Wairua Shorts
Kiriata Screening
Wairua Shorts
Saturday 3 February
11 am Wairua Shorts, Len Lye Centre Cinema, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery Buy Tickets
The KIRIATA MĀORI Showcase is a partnership between the Wairoa Māori Film Festival and the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery in Ngāmotu New Plymouth. Māori, Pasifika and Indigenous moving image art works will be screened over Waitangi weekend 2024 during the Te Hau Whakatonu exhibition.
Screen artists:
Follow the Light - Cameron Madams (Māori)
Ruarangi - Oriwa Hakaraia (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Kapu)
E Rangi Rā - Tioreore Ngatai Melbourne (Ngati- Porou, Tūhoe)
Street Lights - Te Mahara Tamehana (Ngāti Hine/Ngapuhi)
The Retrieval - Aree Kapa (Te Aupouri kī Te Kao)
Follow the Light - Cameron Madams
Wairua Shorts
Follow The Light
Cameron Madams, 17 min Aotearoa
The film follows Lena, a first-year student, returning to Wellington with a desire to connect with her Māori culture. Through her dreams, and with the help of the mysterious Tai, Lena's curiosity leads her on a fantastical journey to confront the secrets of her past, present, and future.
Oriwa Hakaraia, 10 min Aotearoa
After a row with his father, Ruarangi thinks he’s away laughing. He soon discovers that there is no such thing as a free ride.
When a headstrong young Māori man finds himself captive in a palatial manor house in England he uncovers a trade in Indigenous people as exotica. Ruarangi must find a way to escape and return to his homeland.
Ruarangi is a thriller set in the early 1800’s. It begins with a young and mischievous Māori man, Ruarangi who flees his father’s anger and soon finds himself a captive on a tall-ship heading to
England. On arrival he is sold to an earl to be part of his collection of indigenous exotica.
E Rangi Rā
Tioreore Ngatai Melbourne, 12 min Aotearoa
In the midst of inter-tribal warfare, a young girl is separated from her mother. In her journey to safety, she befriends a young man who has also been separated from his whānau.
E Rangi Rā is set in the early 1800s following Ngāpuhi’s attack on Te Whānau a Hinerupe. Armed with European muskets this attack had a devastating long-lasting impact on Te Whānau a Hinerupe and their descendants.
Street Lights
Te Mahara Tamehana, 16 min Aotearoa
For a broken whānau, one night could be all it takes to find redemption, forgiveness and love between three generations.
This film was made as part of the Ngā Pakiaka Incubator Programme - Eight short films by a new generation of filmmakers. Devised during the 1st COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, He Waiora traverses a range of topics close to the hearts of rangatahi and their whānau in Aotearoa today.
The Retrieval
Aree Kapa, 13 min Aotearoa
If it’s already yours, it’s not stealing, right?
A young man is faced with the decision of whether to risk the most important thing in his life to fulfil a promise to his elders.
This film was made as part of the Ngā Pakiaka Incubator Programme - Eight short films by a new generation of filmmakers. Devised during the 1st COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, He Waiora traverses a range of topics close to the hearts of rangatahi and their whānau in Aotearoa today.
Street Lights, Te Mahara Tamehana
The Retrieval, Aree Kapa